Mae Mai Plantation

Tree Spacies for Reforestation

Common name: Neem
Local name: SA-DAO
Botanical name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Meliaceae
Origin: India
Distribution: India, Southern Asia, Africa, Latin America
Uses: All parts of the tree have useful functions: in medicine, cosmetics, toiletries, livestock protection, and pest control in agriculture. Neem oil derived from the fruit is particularly beneficial and is used in various antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, skin disease, dental products.
Description: Neem is a slow-growing tree which may reach 20 m under favorable conditions. The dark brown or grey trunk is short, straight, and furrowed. Branches have rounded crowns of pinnate leaves. Neem is durable at high temperatures and under arid conditions. The trees bear profuse clusters of small white flowers with a very sweet scent. The golden yellow, edible fruit is about 1.5cm long, and the kernel yields about 40% neem oil.
Status: The efficacy of growing neem is being monitored throughout the world, and its uses are being investigated
in various sciences and industries. Most published reports on neem tree uses are supported by scientific studies. Based on research results, a number of neem-based products are being developed for human use.

Mae Mai Plantation

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