This site is 130km northwest of Hanoi in a straight line.

Latitude 21° 24´
Longitude 104°47´
Altitude 100-400 m.s.l. (mean sea level)
Area size 5ha
Topography Small hill with a gentle slope
Soil type Lateritic
Drainage Fairly good
Original site condition Secondary natural forest after logging
Climate Tropical dry, monsoon type
Rain Summer rainfall from April to November
Annual precipitation 1200 to 2200mm
Temperature Average temperature between 22°and 23°C

The Tran Yen plantation in northern Vietnam is in the Monsoon Climatic Zone, where the annual precipitation all falls during the rainy season (April to November).

Yen Bai site

Saplings of the five native species, produced by TGG technology, are being transplanted at this site by members of the FSIV.    Planting is carried out during the early rainy season to prevent desiccation of the saplings.

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